White Ribbon Campaign

White Ribbon Campaign 2016/7



We Can! Singapore is gearing up to begin preparations for our White Ribbon Campaign 2016/7. The campaign will be done in two parts: 1) during White Ribbon Week in November 2016 and 2) during February 2017. We’ll be working with Michael Kaufman, the co-founder of the White Ribbon Campaign, in November 2016 and Jackson Katz, an anti-sexist/anti-violence activist in February 2017. You may participate in both or choose one.
The White Ribbon Campaign is a global movement of men and boys working to end male violence against women and girls. We Can! is looking for volunteers to join our organising team for the upcoming campaign!
Last year, the organising team put together thought-provoking videos about gender-based violence and a social media campaign, as well as organised a motorbike rally where male volunteers took to the streets to raise awareness about the campaign and distribute white ribbon pins to the public. Scroll down the page to Past Campaigns read more about this. What will we do this year to raise awareness about gender-based violence? It’s up to you! If you’d like to be part of this important and transformative experience, we invite you to join our organising team! Your ideas and contributions will drive the upcoming White Ribbon Campaign and bring it to life. No experience is necessary, just a heart for social change. (If you enjoy photography, videography, graphic design or are an avid social media user, that would be a bonus.) The organising team will start the planning process in September 2016.
If you’re interested, kindly [email protected] with your name, contact details, and whether you’d like to join the November 2016 or February 2017 part of the campaign (or both!). We’ll be meeting with all volunteers very soon (sometime in September), so kindly email us know if you’re interested as soon as possible.





Men and boys: It’s time to stand against violence.

This year, We Can! is joining hands with the White Ribbon Campaign, calling on men and boys to oppose violence against women by wearing a white ribbon for a week.

Each white ribbon represents our hope for a better world. A world where healthy relationships and gender equality are the norm, a world where what makes a man is not aggression and violence, but respect and care for the safety of women and girls.

Share our White Ribbon Campaign Video on your social networks

[button type=”churchope_button” url=”https://www.facebook.com/dialog/share?app_id=87741124305&href=https%3A//www.youtube.com/attribution_link%3Fa%3Dt92fwKjz5Kc%26u%3D%252Fwatch%253Fv%253D9CbFfLFWh-o%2526feature%253Dshare&display=popup&redirect_uri=https://www.youtube.com/facebook_redirect” target=”on” button_color_fon=”#00449b” ]Share on Facebook[/button][button type=”churchope_button” url=”https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=https%3A//youtu.be/9CbFfLFWh-o&text=White%20Ribbon%20Campaign%3A%20Men%20Against%20Violence&via=YouTube&related=YouTube,YouTubeTrends,YTCreators” target=”” button_color_fon=”#2ccbff” ]Share on Twitter[/button] 


Get involved for a violence-free world today

wrc_profilepictureChange your profile picture to our official white ribbon badge to show your support from 25 November to 1 December

Download it here! (right-click and click “save target as”)

Join us for our Ride Against Violence

rideagainstviolenceOn 28 November 2015, we’ll be on the road for our Ride Against Violence rally, the first of its kind in Singapore!

Organised in partnership with Harley-Davidson and Chrysler Jeep with volunteers from Beyond Social Services, come hang out with our bikers and Jeepers and get your very own White Ribbon here:

12.00pm to 12.30pm: In front of OUE Mandarin Gallery, Orchard

1.00pm to 1.30pm: East Coast Park, Parkland Green Carpark

If you can’t find us, give us a call at 94891231 and we’ll find you!

Catch Neil Humphreys at this year’s We Can! Arts Fest

neil cropped

We’re super excited to feature guest speaker, Neil Humphreys, at RALLY this year! Neil is a best-selling author in Singapore and an anti-violence ambassador – he hopes to call on other men and boys to take a stand against violence.

Catch Neil’s speech at 5.30pm on 6 December 2015 at the Glass Hall, Singapore Arts Museum!





More about the White Ribbon Campaign

White Ribbon first began in Canada in 1991 and has since become a global movement of men and boys across 60 countries taking pledging to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls.

Other ways to get involved:

  1. Host a White Ribbon talk at your organisation, community or school. Contact [email protected] for a speaking engagement.
  2. Attend a Change Maker workshop and learn about violence against women and how we can all play a part in its prevention.