[two_third]About the Men’s Group
“Be a man.” Parents, friends and peers told you to “Man up.” Your sergeant, coach or PE teacher told you to “take it like a man”.
But what do these commands mean? If being male is so often associated with toughness and authority, what does that mean for others in society? What does it mean for men who aren’t like this – and don’t want to be? And, importantly, how can men play a part in movements for gender equality?
If you’ve ever thought about these questions, join our men’s group and meet like-minded folks looking at the impact of male gender roles.
If you’ve struggled with bullying in school because you weren’t like the other boys, if you’ve stayed awake at night pondering whether you like boys, come and share your stories in a safe and affirming space.
Let’s re-write the script: for positive, diverse and gender-equal ways of being men.
This is a group of men and boys* in Singapore keen to discuss how gender roles and norms impact them and others in society. Additionally, the group commits to taking positive action and making change in their own lives and the larger community, so as to promote gender equality and inclusivity.
Change starts with you – your stories, experiences and ideas for how we can start talking, listening and making change.
Join us if you believe in diverse, non-violent and compassionate ways of being a man.
You get to choose what kind of guy you are.
* as well as gender-fluid and non-binary folk who identify with these issues[/two_third]