Join our Men’s Group!

 [two_third]About the Mens Group

“Be a man.”  Parents, friends and peers told you to “Man up.”  Your sergeant, coach or PE teacher told you to “take it like a man”.

But what do these commands mean?  If being male is so often associated with toughness and authority, what does that mean for others in society?  What does it mean for men who aren’t like this – and don’t want to be?  And, importantly, how can men play a part in movements for gender equality?

10001547_909344679100464_5808708966640167285_nIf youve ever thought about these questions, join our mens group and meet like-minded folks looking at the impact of male gender roles.  

If you’ve struggled with bullying in school because you weren’t like the other boys, if you’ve stayed awake at night pondering whether you like boys, come and share your stories in a safe and affirming space.

Let’s re-write the script: for positive, diverse and gender-equal ways of being men.

This is a group of men and boys* in Singapore keen to discuss how gender roles and norms impact them and others in society.  Additionally, the group commits to taking positive action and making change in their own lives and the larger community, so as to promote gender equality and inclusivity.

Change starts with you – your stories, experiences and ideas for how we can start talking, listening and making change.

Join us if you believe in diverse, non-violent and compassionate ways of being a man.

You get to choose what kind of guy you are.

* as well as gender-fluid and non-binary folk who identify with these issues[/two_third]

 [two_third last=last] DETAILS:
The first Men’s Group will have 12 sessions that will run from August 2015 to February 2016
Meetings will be held on the following Mondays at the AWARE office (Block 5, Dover Crescent, #01-22) from 7.30pm to 9.30pm:
31 Aug 2015
14 Sep 2015
28 Sep 2015
12 Oct 2015
26 Oct 2015
9 Nov 2015
23 Nov 2015
14 Dec 2015
28 Dec 2015
11 Jan 2016
25 Jan 2016
8 Feb 2016
The Men’s Group will culminate in a creative presentation of the group’s learning and perspectives at the We Can! Arts Fest, which will take place in Dec 2015.
The tentative agenda for each meeting (which is open to change based on the interests of the group) can be viewed here.
If you would like to join the men’s group, please fill out this form by 25 August and we will be in touch with you shortly.
If you sign up once the group has commenced, we will be in touch when the next run of the Men’s Group begins.
If you have any questions, kindly email Alvin at [email protected].
Thank you![/two_third]